Canada's Top Pop Choir Organization

Video Audition Instructions

Please submit a video of you singing a pop song of your choice. You may sing to an instrumental backtrack or accompany yourself on an instrument. We will not consider auditions that are a cappella; you must have some form of instrumentation behind you. If you are singing to an instrumental backtrack, please choose something with minimal background vocals, preferably no background vocals. is a great place to find high-quality tracks, if you cannot find something suitable on YouTube.

Please introduce yourself and tell us the name of the song you are performing before you sing. Please choose a song that you can sing comfortably. It is better to do an easier song that you can execute well than to attempt to do something harder and not quite get the notes.

We are looking for the following elements:
– Tuning: Your vocal performance is in tune (the notes are right).
– Timing: Your vocal performance is in time with the backtrack and rhythms are accurate.
– Performance: You have memorized the words and melody and are able to emote and tell the story of the song.

Please be mindful of song choice. We would prefer not to hear musical theatre songs. Please do not sing songs with swear words; look for radio edits where profanity has been changed or removed. For example, there is a clean version of “Drivers License” by Olivia Rodrigo. Aim to choose a song that is age appropriate. Read the lyrics separately from the melody to make sure that the story of the song makes sense for the age of the performer.

Your video must include:
– You introducing yourself and stating your age and the name of your song (AGE NOT NEEDED FOR ADULT AUDITIONS)
– You singing one pop song with instrumental accompaniment, either with a track or an instrument

Upload your audition to YouTube as an “unlisted” (not “private”) video and send us the link in your audition form. Click here for instructions on how to create an “Unlisted” YouTube video.

If you are a youth performer, have your performance resume and a photo ready to submit with your audition. Your photo should be a headshot from the shoulders up or half body – it’s up to you. Click here for a good example of a performer resume and photo. Photos and resumes are required for youth performers only.

Submitting your audition video
You’ll need your photo, resume, and the “Unlisted” YouTube link when you complete the submission form. Once you have all those elements ready, please submit your audition using this form.